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Innovative Farming

For centuries, Dalits were denied the right to own land and were far too frequently forced to work as bonded laborers. This practice continues in present times also.

Today, as a consequence of this systemic oppression, most Dalits are landless.


If they do own land, Dalit holdings are marginal, rarely more than half an acre. They lack proper instruction, the luxury of experimentation, and access to mechanized tools. Consequently, their land is a safety net of last resort instead of a means of sustainable income and profit.

On our teaching farm, we seek to teach by example. With three acres of land, we approach farming with innovation and a willingness to try new things. We have moved from agriculture to floriculture and from flood irrigation to drip irrigation and we are harnessing the power of solar technology. We would like to teach aquaponics and hydroponics through hands on experimentation as a viable alternative on small holdings along with other forms of healthy and profitable farming.

Moving away from cultivating rice, chilies, or cotton we have planted 1200 jasmine bushes on an acre as an experiment. These plants, if properly nurtured, last at least 15 years; they flower for nine months of a year and are the highest sold flower daily in south India.

Every season we have 10-15 individuals visit us to watch and learn. Those who opt to work with us learn more through practice.


Come partner with us!

Share your knowledge and expertise in agriculture, horticulture, floriculture or animal husbandry with rural Dalits. Join us in our efforts to assist Dalits in overcoming poverty through knowledge-based farming!

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